World AIDS Day Commemoration

Special Event
hosted by UCSF ARI and CFAR

ARI and CFAR are jointly hosting a World AIDS Day Commemoration event on Wednesday, 12/1. A Tribute to Jay Levy and Paul Volberding from Anthony Fauci and Spotlighting UCSF Leaders at the Forefront of the HIV Response.


WAD 2021 Flyer
Add to Calendar 2021-12-01 16:30:00 2021-12-01 18:30:00 World AIDS Day Commemoration ARI and CFAR are jointly hosting a World AIDS Day Commemoration event on Wednesday, 12/1. A Tribute to Jay Levy and Paul Volberding from Anthony Fauci and Spotlighting UCSF Leaders at the Forefront of the HIV Response.   [email protected] HIV, ID & Global Medicine America/Los_Angeles public