UCSF Drug Use Research Group (DURG)
The UCSF Drug Use Research Group (DURG) is a city-wide research seminar attended by faculty, postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and other investigators with a focus on persons who use drugs.
The DURG was founded in 2005 after a friendly debate between an epidemiologist and anthropologist on the merits of quantitative versus qualitative research methods. These monthly meetings provide a community platform for new and established investigators to present their works-in-progress, consult on new or related research and policy questions, and prepare for grant applications, conferences, and publications in a supportive environment. The seminar has been successful in cultivating new research collaborations, mentorship, and sustaining interdisciplinary and interprofessional dialogue between those engaged in basic sciences, epidemiology, clinical research, and qualitative methods.
If you would like to attend the seminar or present your work for dissemination, collaboration, and/or peer review, please contact Paula Lum, MD, MPH, at [email protected].