About the Division


The Division of HIV, Infectious Diseases & Global Medicine, as the largest division within UC San Francisco’s Department of Medicine at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, stands as a global leader in clinical care, education, public service, and research.

Our Division is home to the world-renowned Ward 86 clinic, the SCOPE (HIV) and LIINC (Long COVID) cohorts, SEARCH (Sustainable East Africa Research in Community Health), EPPI (Experimental and Population-Based Investigation Center), and the ID Clinical Trials Unit. Our faculty direct fellowships in HIV translational research, infectious diseases research, and addiction medicine. Our faculty include some of the highest-cited researchers in the US, National Academy of Medicine members, and award-winning mentors and clinicians.

In pursuit of our ambitious goals and in response to the persistent threat of infectious diseases, the clinicians, researchers, and educators of the Division of HIV, ID & Global Medicine are agents of change. They provide and study local care at the Ward 86 clinic and the Infectious Diseases Clinic while simultaneously advancing international efforts to enhance infectious disease prevention, care, and community health. Beyond their clinical and research endeavors, Division members play a pivotal role in training future medical professionals, collaborating with local, state, and federal governments, and partnering with community organizations, corporations, and international policy-making bodies.

Continued progress toward the elimination of HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, and other infectious diseases and illnesses requires innovation, investigation, and investment. The members of the Division of HIV, ID & Global Medicine strive to reach beyond walls every day. Compassionate clinicians step out of the hospital to treat the sick. Aspiring researchers collaborate to tackle big questions to improve worldwide health. Thoughtful teachers spread enduring lessons to a new generation of providers. Our tenacious teams and our collaborative and collegial approach are the path to achieving our aspirational goals.