ZSFG Medicine Grand Rounds
Grand Rounds
"Clinical Problem Solving Case"
Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD, Professor of Medicine, UCSF
Lisa Winston, MD, Professor of Medicine, Divisions of HIV/ID/Global Medicine and Hospital Medicine, UCSF
Meeting ID: 981 6710 4286 Password: 489529 Call-in: +1 669 900 6833, +1 213 338 8477, +1 669 219 2599
Disclosure: The speaker G. Dhaliwal and the planners Lurit Bepo, TJ Nguyen, Collette DeJong and Kathy Julian declare they have no disclosures.
Objectives: Discuss a clinical unknown case
There will be no CEU’s issued for this activity
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2020-07-07 12:00:00
2020-07-07 13:00:00
ZSFG Medicine Grand Rounds
Gurpreet Dhaliwal, MD, Professor of Medicine, UCSF
Lisa Winston, MD, Professor of Medicine, Divisions of HIV/ID/Global Medicine and Hospital Medicine, UCSF
Meeting ID: 981 6710 4286 Password: 489529 Call-in: +1 669 900 6833, +1 213 338 8477, +1 669 219 2599
Disclosure: The speaker G. Dhaliwal and the planners Lurit Bepo, TJ Nguyen, Collette DeJong and Kathy Julian declare they have no disclosures.
Objectives: Discuss a clinical unknown case
There will be no CEU’s issued for this activity
Veleta L Whitfield, MBA, Health Professionals Education Specialist, (628) 206-4942
HIV, ID & Global Medicine